Melchiorre Bega

Nel 1955 Attilio Monti, primo imprenditore italiano nel settore petrolifero, fonda la Società Immobiliare Galfa, il cui scopo era quello di realizzare la nuova sede della SAROM (Società Anonima Raffinazione Oli Minerali). Monti affidò l’incarico per la progettazione a Melchiorre Bega. Il grattacielo nacque su un lotto tra via Galvani e via Fara (da qui il nome GalFa), dove Bega progettò un volume semplice di 102 metri d’altezza.

Read project record

Melchiorre Bega (1898-1976)

Name of the building:
Torre Galfa

Via Gustavo Fara, via Luigi Galvani, Milan (IT)

Galfa Immobiliare, SAROM, BP


Arturo Danusso (1880-1968), Pier Antonio Papini, Antonio Rognoni, Luigi Antonietti (1924-2010)

Other actors:
ISMES (realization of structural models);
Engineers Gianfelice Bortolini e Gaetano Altieri (curators of plant equipment); Engineers Pietro Giulio Bosisio (static test);
Engineers Giuseppe Casalis (construction manager);
Fratelli Greppi (design and implementation of facades);
Knoll international (office forniture).

Building permit:
1955 (first project variant);
1956, march (first variation project);
1956, july (issuance of building permit)

Start of construction works:
1956, october

Intermediate stages:
1958, august (second project variant)

End of construction works:
1959, january (official end of works);
1960, april 27 (inauguration of the skyscraper)

Construction system:
The Galfa Tower features a completely innovative construction system compared to the structural systems of the period. Its entire organism rises from a slab foundation within which oriented reinforced concrete masonry partitions are grafted, directed on the normal to the long side, with the function of absorbing all the loads bearing on the cantilevered floors, made of laterocement, that make up the entire building. An additional element that cooperates with the rest of the structural system is the elevator block. The envelope of the entire volume is made of curtainwall, with black and white anodized steel profiles. The black-colored mullions help to further amplify the slenderness of the tower, generating an optical e0ect from those viewing it from below. The internal partitions, where provided, are made of transparent crystal or wooden movable walls to provide more privacy.